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Thursday 5 May 2011

Careering off a cliff

Since graduating three years ago, I've been struggling to find a job that pays the average £24k per year that you can expect as a graduate. Instead, grateful as I am to be in employment, I'm on pretty much the same money I was on before I even went to university. I have looked, but everyone seems to want some mythical graduate with a First Class Honours (platinum coated, preferably) and 20 years experience in the same role they're applying for. Oh, and to attain all this before reaching 25. And have a Nobel Peace Prize. And maybe rescue orphaned baby penguins.

It's made me wonder why I am so keen to get my career moving. There are so many people in high pressure jobs with work-related stress illnesses, complaining that they never see loved ones, never have any time for themselves, and have too many expectations of themselves. Who really needs that? Especially when you could easily be replaced, fired or promoted into even more stress.

So, until I do find something that won't dissolve my brain from boredom, I'm going to try and enjoy the stress-free time I do have. Who really wants to career off a cliff anyway?

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